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Contractors Donate to East Anglia's Children's Hospices


Every year at Christmas, our contractors kindly gift us presents as a way of thanking us for our continued support throughout the year.

Wildlife in the Stuart Garden


My name is David, and this is a short piece on the wildlife in the Stuart Court garden.

New Security Gates Installed at Lanchester Court


We listened to our tenants' concerns regarding non-residents using Lanchester Court as a thoroughfare. Many suggestions regarding safety were discussed and it was decided that security gates would be installed...

Birthday Celebrations for Centenarian Tenant


Joan Marshall recently celebrated her 100th birthday. Close friends and family gathered in the Eleanor Road common room where they enjoyed bubbles and cake! Mrs Marshall said she really enjoyed...

Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2019


Executive Summary

Spreading the word of the Society


The Society has been advertising in the 'Let's Talk' magazines to promote the portfolio of accommodation that we offer.